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Invitation to MUNASA/MURA pre-retirement session, October 20, 2022, 12:00 noon

Dear colleagues, Are you thinking of retiring in the next few years? If so, you are invited to attend a virtual “pre-retirement” information session via Zoom jointly organized by the MURA (McGill University Retiree Association), in collaboration with MUNASA (McGill University Non-Academic Staff Association). To join the MURA Pre-retirement information session (see Agenda below), please REGISTER HERE. MURA is an association for all retirees from McGill University, sponsored by McGill's Unions and Associations. It represents the interests of McGill retirees in discussions with the University (e.g. post-retirement benefits), and organizes events and activities for its members throughout the year. For more information, please consult the MURA website.


Thursday, October 20, 2022, 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. AGENDA Welcoming Remarks:Judy Dear, President of MUNASA, Ante Padjen, President of MURA What is MURA/ARUM? Debbie Mercier, MURA Board Member Moving from Pre-Retirement to Retirement, Joan Wolforth Pension Issues at Retirement, Bob Stanley, MURA Treasurer Question & Answer Period

Best wishes, The MUNASA Executive

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MUNASA is an association run by elected staff members and is McGill University's recognized body that represents and negotiates on behalf of Managerial employees. 

Contact Us:

McGill University Non-Academic Staff Association (MUNASA) 
3495 Peel Street, Suite 203

Montreal, QC H3A 1W7


Telephone : (514) 398-6540   



Judy Dear
(514) 462-9876

© 2019

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