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All members in good standing for three months are eligible for MUNASA's full membership privileges and support.


MUNASA began in 1972 with the challenge of establishing the first Pay Equity process at McGill. Since the early 1990s MUNASA has lobbied for the creation of a modern and holistic compensation system. The result is the M Compensation system, introduced to McGill in 2001: a system that includes job families, role profiles, and job competencies and integrates with Staffing and Staff Development opportunities, and Performance Planning.

Job Classification

MUNASA monitors trends in job classification and job matching and can provide members with advice on requirements for career advancement.


MUNASA introduced the Principles of Performance Planning document to the Administration in 2003. It was a basis for the development of Performance Dialogue. MUNASA has worked with Human Resources to promote Performance Dialogue as an objective means to set performance goals and provide a structure for Staff Development.

Staff Development & Competencies

With the introduction of Performance Dialogues in 2004 by McGill, MUNASA followed with a proposal for a taxonomy of competencies to ensure job requirements are consistent, equitable, and attainable. In 2005 MUNASA joined Human Resources in a working group to develop a Competency Model for the M Compensation System.

Insured Benefits

MUNASA represents the interests of its members through the Staff Benefits Advisory Committee to review, adjust, and enhance employee benefits programs such as Supplemental Health, Dental, and Tuition Assistance.

Healthy & Safety

MUNASA represents its members’ interests in occupational health and safety through the Joint Advisory Health and Safety Committee.

Employment Relations

MUNASA participate with Human Resources in the Employee Relations Committee to review employee/employer relations, and general working conditions such as the distribution of salary Merit.


MUNASA has played a leadership role in developing the current Policy on Harassment and Discrimination Prohibited by Law and is committed to a work environment free from harassment and discrimination.

Labour Relations and Disputes

Are you having difficulty in communicating with a new supervisor? Feel that you are being harassed on the job? Are you being denied fair access to benefits? Have you received an inappropriate performance assessment? MUNASA provides confidential advice, legal counsel and support to members with problems such as these.  

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