M.U.N.A.S.A. Bulletin — February 2019
Dear colleagues,
It’s just over a month since the election results were tallied. Clearly, members were ready for change and to this end, one of our key objectives is to improve communication with the membership.
Shortly after the results of the election were declared, the Vice‐President (Liaison) resigned. As M.U.N.A.S.A. is incorporated, under the Quebec Companies Act, the Executive is endorsed to fill the vacancy as per article 89(3) “any vacancy occurring in the board of directors may be filled, for the remainder of the term, by the directors, from among qualified persons” ( http://legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/). Long time M.U.N.A.S.A. member, Caroline Brown, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was appointed Vice‐President (Liaison) and we are very pleased to have Caroline join us.
Many members have asked for a copy of the By‐Laws and they are now available on the M.U.N.A.S.A. website (https://www.munasa.com/by-laws). Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the By‐Laws. The Executive will be working on amendments to ensure that future elections are held electronically to facilitate the process and to promote sustainability. When the proposed amendments of the By‐Laws are finalized, the membership will be called upon to vote on them.
As you may have noticed, the M.U.N.A.S.A. website is also in need of an update. We will be revamping it over the next few months with the goal of providing information that is timely, relevant and complete. We invite you to visit the website regularly as progress is made.
We are here to represent your rights. We will continue to support members who face negative performance dialogue appraisals, performance improvement plans, disciplinary meetings, bullying, harassment, terminations, and more. Take the time to become familiar with your rights by exploring the Personnel Policies and Procedures available at https://www.mcgill.ca/hr/employee‐relations/policies‐procedures.
It is now that time of year, when performance dialogue appraisals are being finalized. You have told us — and we agree — that the exercise is inconsistently and subjectively practiced. We will continue to raise our concerns over inequitable practices in this regard with Labour Relations.
Please forward any questions or suggestions you have to info@munasa.com. We want to hear from you.
Judy Dear, President
Jamil Ahram, Vice‐President
Caroline Brown, Vice‐President (Liaison)
Antonietta Ballerini, Vice‐President (Membership)
Peter Ho, Treasurer
Maggie Do Couto, Councillor (Non‐Faculty)
Silvana Pellecchia, Councillor (Faculty)