MUNASA Bulletin – November 2019
Dear colleagues,
As we approach the end of 2019, the MUNASA Executive would like to thank you for your support. We appreciate the feedback we’ve received and will continue to work towards improving the working conditions of managers and our communication with you.
Amendments to the By-Laws adopted
We are happy to announce that the amendments to the MUNASA By-Laws were adopted by our members who attended the downtown campus BBQ on September 24, 2019, and Macdonald campus BBQ on September 25, 2019. The adopted By-Laws are posted on the MUNASA website under the Quick Links tab at
Unionization of M1 MUNASA members
The recent unionization of our M1 colleagues resulted in 297 former MUNASA members becoming unionized. We understand that the transition will be challenging, and we wish them our very best in the coming year.
Strength is in numbers! We ask that you reach out to your colleagues who are not MUNASA members to encourage them to join. The greater our numbers, the stronger our voice when negotiating or maintaining our rights.
Annual General Assembly – Save the Date
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on January 24, 2020, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., Redpath Auditorium. The AGM will be video conferenced for our members at Macdonald campus , Raymond Building 3-045. The Minutes from last year’s AGM are attached for your review. We encourage you to attend.
Salary Policy Survey results
A survey was conducted with our membership on Salary Policy and Performance Dialogue in July. Our delay in reporting the survey results is due to the unionization of the Level 1 managers, followed by an attempt to unionize the Level 2 and 3 professionals at the end of October. We are now able to share our survey results:
80.45% are not satisfied with how salary policy is implemented
83% felt the merit exercise is not fair or equitable
72% did not agree using merit to reach mid-point
81% did not agree using merit as a market adjustment
83.46% felt that 3% budget allocation for increase is not reasonable
95.5% felt that the 1% economic increase is inequitable (considering cost of living)
80.45% felt it unfair that those in Category 3 Building Consistency receive no merit
The definition of merit in the Cambridge Dictionary is “extra pay given to employees who have done their job well and made noticeable improvements in the company, department, etc.”
The McGill approach of exercising market adjustments or fast-tracking someone to their mid-point as a means of retention can be appropriate under certain circumstances; however, merit by definition, is a completely separate mechanism and should not be used to address salary deficiencies. MU NASA feels that the correct procedure to use is in the Personnel Policies under, Special Salary Adjustments. Merit should be used exclusively to recognize performance. Managers with extensive institutional knowledge and years of experience are often penalized because they are above their mid-point. Many managers question why we bother to complete Performance Dialogue when it carries little or no influence in recognizing one’s performance and contribution. For these and other reasons, we are in discussion on salary policy with the University at the Policy Review Committee and will continue to share the concerns expressed by our members.
Employment Security for all
We continue to press the University for the restoration of employment security in our negotiations with Labour Relations. It is offered in various forms at other universities across Quebec, including our nearest neighbour, Concordia University. We find it difficult to understand why McGill is resistant to it. Our colleagues in MUNACA have the benefit of employment security, as well as those hired into M positions prior to November 1, 1998, and also employment secured unionized employees promoted into management positions We will continue to pursue employment security for all our members and in the new year we will update you on our negotiations with the University.
In closing, we wish you good health and happiness over the holiday season and our best wishes in the New Year ahead!
The MUNASA Executive
Download the Minutes of the 28th Annual General Meeting of MUNASA (Final)